Get to Know Us2018-05-14T13:00:18+00:00

Andrew and Laura Kate were married in 2005. Following their time at Campbell University, they moved to St. Louis, where Andrew received a Masters of Divinity at Covenant Seminary.

The Luptons spent many years working with children, youth, and college students directing the summer camp program at Ridge Haven Camp and Conference Center. It was at Ridge Haven and through the training of Global Youth & Family Ministries (now called Next) that the Luptons fell in love with ministry to the next generation and their families. They moved to Bogotá in 2013 and now serve with the United Church of Bogotá, in addition to pastoring missionary kids throughout Latin America and the Caribbean through their missions agency.

The Luptons have three children, Fox, Evie Jude and Lucy Joy, who are thoroughly entertaining and sweet. The Luptons think they have the coolest calling – parenting their children and serving international families – and are honored to be a part of the UCB family.

Pastor Andrew Lupton and Family

Pastor Andrew Baxley and Family

Andrew and Kelly Baxley joined the UCB team in December 2017. Andrew is Pastor of Youth and Families and Kelly serves the church community as a counselor. Andrew earned his MDiv degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, MO, USA. Kelly earned her Masters in Counseling from Covenant Seminary. They are devoted to their son, and to the work God has called them to in Bogotá.

Church Staff

Andrew Lupton
Andrew LuptonSenior Pastor
Andrew Lupton grew up in the U.S. on the side of a mountain in western North Carolina. He met his wife, Laura Kate, at Campbell University while playing mud volleyball. After realizing that mud volleyball would never materialize into a career, Andrew studied international business and later went on to earn a Masters of Business Administration. After receiving his Masters in Business he and his wife Laura Kate moved to St. Louis where Andrew earned a Masters of Divinity Degree from Covenant Theological Seminary.
Andrew loves bluegrass music, adventures, fishing, and sports, especially basketball. He is slowly figuring out soccer thanks to the help of some of the UCB students.
Laura Kate Lupton
Laura Kate LuptonDirector of Children's Ministries
Laura Kate met her husband, Andrew, while studying music at Campbell University. She and Andrew spent many years working with kids at Ridge Haven camp in North Carolina. In addition to being a busy mom of 3 small children, she uses her training and experience ministering to cross-cultural kids and their families through the Children’s program at UCB.
Jaime Ayala
Jaime AyalaChurch Administrator
Jaime Ayala is a technical accountant with more than 30 years of experience serving real estate, residential administration and nonprofit entities. Jaime has served UCB as our accountant for many years and took on the role of church administrator in 2014. Jaime is our “go-to guy” in so many ways and is a tremendous help to all.
Dick and Joanne Brown
Dick and Joanne BrownAssistants to the Pastor
Dick and Joanne Brown serve UCB as Second-career Missionaries. Before coming to Colombia, Dick’s career spanned more than 30 years in marketing and sales and Joanne was a Secondary Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher for 26 years. Together, they mentor and host the Young Adult Singles at their home. Additionally, Dick helps Pastor Andrew administratively, serves as an Elder and leads one of our men’s groups. Joanne teaches some ladies’ Bible studies and manages the technology at the church.
Andrés Hernandez
Andrés HernandezPastoral Intern
Andrés is a Bi-Lingual Education Major at ÚNICA (Instrucción Universitaria Colombo Americano) in Bogotá. Andrew serves the church administratively, and also helps with Children’s Church, High School Youth Group and Promise Kids on Saturday morning. Andrew is 1 of 5 children, loves helping people and working with youth and children.
Bre Byrd
Bre ByrdYouth Intern
Bre recently graduated from New York University. She loves music, hot sauce, and talking about theology. But most importantly, she’s super excited to be working with the Middle School and High School students of UCB!
Savannah Gorman
Savannah GormanPastoral/ Youth Intern
Savannah is a graduate of Covenant College in Tennessee and serves both UCB youth groups Middle School and High School. She is also passionate about music and often helps lead the music during Sunday morning services.
Dora Housekeeper
Dora keeps our church clean every single week and also tirelessly helps at every special event at the church. You will see her quietly serving behind the scenes. Her son Daniel is the light of her life!
CarlosPortero, Handy Man
You will often see Carlos at the front door on Sunday mornings, greeting attendees. Although he doesn’t speak English, when he sees a new English-speaking family approach the church, he immediately finds one of our English-speaking staff, assuring that everyone is welcomed when they attend church. Additionally Carlos does light and heavy construction and repairs around the church. He can do anything!
When Carlos isn’t at the door greeting, Manuel is. Retired from his first profession, Manuel is an invaluable help to our UCB family.

Church Officers


Elders are to guard the congregation, that no corruption of doctrine or of morals enter the Body. They exercise government and discipline, and take oversight of the spiritual interests of the church. They should pray with and for the people, being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the flock.

AndrewSenior Pastor and Elder
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
South Africa


It is the duty of the deacons to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. It is their duty also to develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church, to devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people, and to oversee the finances of the church. They shall have the care of the property of the congregation, both real and personal, and shall keep in proper repair the church building and other buildings belonging to the congregation.

South Africa
Canada/United States
Ana Isa
Ana IsaDeacon