Thank you for choosing to donate electronically to United Church!
You may donate in US dollars through UCB International Ministries (UCBIM), or you may donate in Colombian pesos if you have a Colombian bank account.
You may also donate to UCB in person by cash or check. US taxpayers, please make dollar checks payable to UCBIM (to receive a tax-deduction.) Please make peso checks payable to Iglesia United Church of Bogotá. In both cases, please print your name and cedula (or passport) number on the back. Thank you!
You may mail checks to:
(please write our account #488077535188 on the memo of the check)
Bank of America
PO Box 105576
Atlanta, GA 30348-5576
Donate through UCB International Ministries
UCB International Ministries (UCBIM) is the charitable foundation in the United States associated with United Church of Bogotá. You may make a tax-deductible donation through this account by PayPal, bank draft or credit card. Non-US citizens may also set up an account through UCBIM and make donations in US dollars via credit card. Problems or questions? Email us
You may also designate your gift (Leaver Memorial Piano, Savannah Gorman support) on the next screen.
Leaver Piano
James Leaver was a long-time and beloved member of United Church. James passed away in 2016 at the age of 93. James loved music and it was a family wish that UCB would have a quality piano to be used during worship and also for special concerts hosted by the church. You can help make James’ dream a reality by contributing to the Leaver Memorial Piano.
Give in Colombian Pesos (from your Colombian bank account)
Use the information below to set up a bank transfer between your bank account and UCB:
Bank Name (Nombre del banco): GNB Sudameris (cuenta corriente)
Account Name (Cuenta corriente): IGLESIA UNITED CHURCH OF BOGOTA NIT: 800.173.936-2
Account Number (Numero del cuenta corriente): 14788798