
Welcome to United Church of Bogotá!

United is a non-denominational, Bible-based Christian church ministering to the English-speaking international community in Bogotá, Colombia. We are a diverse fellowship, serving people from all over the world.

© Forrest Hughes- www.forresthughes.com; 04/21/2017

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We have groups for men, women, youth, young adults, newlyweds and nearly-weds. Families, we have facilities and programs for your kids, too!
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Set up an account through UCB International Minisries

US Citizens may make a tax-deductible donation through this account by check, bank draft or credit card. Non-US citizens may also set up an account through UCB International Ministries (UCBIM) and make donations in US dollars via credit card.
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Plan Your Visit

We’re happy to meet you!

  • Time: 10:45 AM

  • Location: We are located on Cra. 4 #69-06 in the Zona G area of Rosales.

  • Parking: is located in Central Parking System lot on Cra. 5 #70A-41.

  • Dress: Casual
  • KIDS? Children’s Church (Ages 3-9) is available during the Sunday Morning message and secure nursery care is available starting at 9:30 AM.
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Where Are We?

What We Believe

The Bible is God’s authoritative Word, guiding everything we know and do.

Scripture teaches God’s story of redemption of which we are a part.

  • Creation: God created all things and mankind existed in perfect harmony with Him, with each other, and with the rest of creation.
  • Fall: Mankind chose to rebel rather than participate in God’s good design and was thus totally alienated from right relationship with God, deserving His eternal punishment.
  • Redemption: The good news is that God never gave up on His people and restored this broken relationship through His Son, Jesus. God’s Son lived a perfect life, was rejected and crucified, took the full punishment that we deserved (giving us His perfection in exchange), and then defeated death by walking out of His own tomb. Jesus currently reigns over everything from heaven, yet is with us through the Holy Spirit, and is making all things new.
  • Restoration: We, the church, participate in this remaking of all things as the Holy Spirit works in us and through us. We look forward to the day in which Jesus returns, the world is free of all brokenness, and we are present with our God forever.

A person’s only hope is to trust in Christ’s atoning sacrifice on his or her behalf. This faith is a free gift from God.

As God’s family we meet together to worship him weekly. We share in each other’s lives, providing a home for God’s family no matter where we’re going or where we’ve come from.

We strive to spread Gospel Truth among our families, in our city, and throughout the world.

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As a diverse fellowship of believers, we focus on core Christian beliefs as expressed in the scriptures. We honor denominational practices that don’t contradict these core beliefs.

Answers to Your Questions

We take membership seriously at UCB, and we hope you do as well. You must be a professing, baptized Christian, who is able to articulate your profession of faith during an informal interview with members of UCB’s leadership. After that, you will take public vows during one of our Sunday morning services. As an international church, we allow dual membership in your home country church with membership at UCB. To download a copy of the Membership Application, click UCB New Member Form.

The official statement on baptism at United Church is as follows: “Baptism is a sacrament, wherein the washing with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, does signify and seal our engrafting into Christ, and partaking of the benefits of the covenant of grace, and our engagement to be the Lord’s.”

Because United Church attendees come from many different backgrounds, we honor a multitude of theological opinions regarding the sacrament. Baptism Policy Statement

You are not obligated to give money to United Church as either a regular attender or member, and no payment is required to join the church. A collection is taken during the worship service as a free-will offering, but please do not feel obligated to give or embarrassed if you don’t give. On the other hand, we believe that giving to the work of the church is biblical (see Malachi 3:10, Nehemiah 10:37-38, Mark 12:40-42, Hebrews 10:1-8). It is not a means of finding favor with God, but as a grateful response to God for what He has done for you in the saving work of Christ on the cross- for all who would repent of their sins by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

We love your kids and we have bright, clean facilities to care for them during the Sunday worship hours. Nursery workers must pass a background security check before caring for your kids. During the worship service, children ages 3 – 10 are dismissed before the morning message- follow the flag! They have their own Children’s Church program- complete with songs, craft and age-appropriate lessons. During the school calendar year, Middle School Youth have their own program during part of the worship service every 2 weeks. Your children are welcome to stay with you during the service if they or you prefer.

Meet Some of Our Members (Past and Present)

Jana S.
Jana S.
UCB is the international community of believers that became our dear family and our beloved home away from home.
Manolo B.
Manolo B.
United Church of Bogotá is my life. My Lutheran parents arrived in 1938, fleeing the German Nazi government. Union Church, as it was called then, embraced them, welcomed them, made them feel at home. I was baptized and confirmed here. Both of my parents were buried here. I served on the Church Council, and much of my life has the backdrop of the Church, I have always felt the blessings from our Heavenly Father and the warmth and love of the ever-changing fellowship. Yes, UCB, has been, is and certainly will be my spiritual home, Yes, it is is my life.
Alejandra R.
Alejandra R.
It is the perfect place to build everlasting friendships by being part of a community where God is in the middle, and that shares a deep love and passion for service in Jesus. UCB has given me an opportunity to grow, to learn and to be part of the body of Christ.
Adriana A.
Adriana A.
I came to UCB in a time of great pain both spiritual and physical, very disappointed because of false teachings that I received for seventeen years on who Jesus was supposed to be: my way to prosperity and health.
I have discovered that as Tim Keller says “Christianity is not a consumer good”. I have found the person of Jesus Christ, that he is God, sovereign, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I really am thankful to UCB.